Application Process

Please note that from 2016 onwards the Trust will only be accepting funding applications submitted via the online submissions portal, which can be accessed via the following URL: Notes on how to use the portal are available in this pdf document.

  1. The submission deadline for the current round of applications is 31st March 2016.
  2. Applications may only be made using the online form. We no longer accept applications in any other format.
  3. The Advisory Committee of the Barakat Trust meets in the spring of each year to consider applications, and applicants are informed of the results as soon as possible thereafter.
  4. Please check that you are eligible for the award(s) for which you are applying. We do not under any circumstances accept applications in any other field than the archaeology, conservation and history of the art, architecture and material culture of Islamic societies before circa 1900 C.E. Applications for any other subject will be automatically rejected.
  5. From December 2015 all applications must be submitted online via the Barakat applications portal. You may register for a user account via the following URL, and then complete and submit the application form from your user account. Forms are saved online and may be edited and completed over multiple sessions. The Trust will not accept any applications that do not use the online portal. The application portal is available here: If you have any trouble using the online portal please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  6. An application will not be considered unless the application form, complete with a detailed budget, two examples of the applicant's written work, and the names and addresses of two referees, whom the applicant has asked to support the application, have been received by 31st March 2016.
  7. It is to the advantage of applicants to provide all of the information necessary and, at the same time, to be clear, precise and succinct.
  8. Please do not leave blanks. If a question does not apply to your particular request, please enter "Not Applicable" and, if necessary, explain why.
  9. All applications must contain full and clearly expressed budgets. Estimates given in local currency must also be converted into pounds sterling. Maintenance expenses etc. should be clearly expressed (e.g. in the form “x people times £y per diem = £z”). Any application lacking a full and clearly expressed budget will be automatically rejected.
  10. All new applications must be accompanied by two examples of the applicant's written work. This should relate to the general area for which funding is requested.  In the case of unpublished work, no single example should exceed 2,500 words in length and must be submitted in pdf fotrmat (strict confidentiality will be observed with regard to research in progress.). Applicants may include pdfs of up to two published articles or two book chapters. Repeat applications (e.g. those made for renewal of a grant for a project lasting two or more years) may simply refer to written work submitted in the previous year; relevant work published in the interim (e.g. a preliminary report on the previous season) should be submitted.
  11. Applicants for the Barakat International Studentship and the Barakat Oxford Studentship must have already been accepted on to the relevant course before applying, and will be required to supply proof of acceptance.
  12. Two references must be sent by email independently by the referees to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so as to be received be received by 31st March 2016.
  13. Referees should be acquainted with the candidate and his or her work, and in the case of scholarly research, should be senior academics.
  14. Applications from doctoral students must be supported by at least one of the applicant's supervisors.
  15. References must be typed on the headed paper of the institution to which the referee belongs, saved in PDF format (please do not send images in jpeg or tiff format) and sent directly from the referee's official work email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. References emailed from personal or free accounts will not be accepted.
  16. Those applying to come to the U.K. as Visiting Scholars, should provide at least one letter of support from a senior member of the university or equivalent institution in the U.K. that will be their principal host destination, which should confirm that they will be afforded access to the material relevant for their research.
  17. Applicants seeking support for archaeological fieldwork, for a travel grant to study specific items in a museum or library, or for any other research requiring authorisation or permission from relevant authorities, must obtain all such authorisation and permission before applying. Any such application must include a statement to the effect that such authorisation and permission has been received, and we may insist upon seeing evidence as a condition of making the award. We cannot make grants without knowing that applicants have full authorisation and permission to carry out the fieldwork or research proposed, and that specific items in museums and libraries are accessible to applicants (and not, for example, out on loan or undergoing conservation.)